New developments

As developer and manager of ThermoGIS, in addition to continuous updating, TNO is also working to expand and improve it. For example, some aquifers with real geothermal potential are not yet included in ThermoGIS, because no geothermal heat is currently extracted from them, but may be in the near future. Other examples include future developments of heat storage, applications different from 'direct use', such as cooling and electricity generation...

TNO aims to share new developments, and the results of new research related to the above examples, via the ThermoGIS portal in due course. This page shows some preliminary results.

Breda Formation

The geothermal potential of the Breda Formation is not yet included in ThermoGIS. This unit is mostly relatively shallow, and is therefore too cool. Moreover, in many places the permeability would be too poor.
The results of the recent WarmingUP research show that in some places both depth and permeability are relatively good. Selected results from the WarmingUP study of the Breda Formation are described here.

Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES)

The purpose of high-temperature storage is to temporarily store excess heat (available in summer example, when heat demand is low) in the shallow subsurface. The stored heat can be produced and used again later, for example in winter, when heat demand is high. Although the ATES concept is decades old, few working installations still exist in the Netherlands. In Middenmeer (HeatStore project) and in Nesselande (WarmingUP project), ATES installations have been and are being developed.

Calculating subsurface potential for ATES is to some extent similar to that for deep geothermal. For instance, depth, thickness and permeability of the aquifer are important factors. However, there are also major differences. TNO is developing software to calculate the potential of the subsurface for HTO. The first results can be viewed here.

Electricity and cooling

In the Netherlands, geothermal heat is mostly used to heat greenhouses, heat networks or office buildings. However, it is also possible to use geothermal heat to produce electricity, or to cool buildings. The ThermoGIS calculation module has recently been extended with capabilities to calculate this. As soon as the first results are available, they will be published via ThermoGIS.

Heat pumps

In the ThermoGIS Mapviewer, it is already possible to calculate how the addition of a heat pump can improve the capacity and efficiency of a doublet. TNO has improved the way the heat pump calculation is performed. The first results will soon be added and published on the ThermoGIS portal.